اللغة language

Unit of University Requirements

Universities are educational institutions concerned with knowledge and research in general, and they try to transfer knowledge to their students through programs that are meant to develop students mental and physical buildup to grow into functional citizens ready to serve their communities.

Besides the programs decided by the universities to suit the different specialization, the Ministry of Higher Education added more subjects to help develop the ideal student.

For this purpose a conference was organized and reached a recommendation that the following subjects be taught, namely Arabic, English, Islamic Culture and Sudanese Studies as subjects necessary for every Sudanese university enrollee, these subjects were put under the supervision of the Directorate of University Requirements.


  1. To boost morality and spiritual practice among the students
  2. To develop students linguistic and communication abilities
  3. To call for good manners and have students be involved in beneficial activities
  4. To develop the sense of belonging and citizenship
  5. To organize symposiums and conferences to serve the community

Contact us

Address: Khartoum University Street
PO Box: 1880
Phones: 771716-770564-780995
Fax: 780913
E-mail: info@sabfs.edu.sd




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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لأكاديمية السودان للعلوم المصرفية ©2018

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