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Program Objectives

Prepare and qualify banking and finance students

To couple theoretical and practical banking knowledge by giving students to practice banking activities at the Academy simulation bank.

Conduct research in the field of banking and finance.

Call for community awareness towards banking and finance locally and regionally.

Participate in decision making with regard to partial and Macro- economic strategies, especially to that related to banking and finance sector.

To organize workshops, symposiums and conferences.

To cope with the latest developments in banking industry.

To enrich libraries with research papers related to banking and financial sciences.

Contact us

Address: Khartoum University Street
PO Box: 1880
Phones: 771716-770564-780995
Fax: 780913
E-mail: info@sabfs.edu.sd




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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لأكاديمية السودان للعلوم المصرفية ©2018

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