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Degrees Awarded

The Academy awards a B.Sc honors in Insurance Studies.

Academic Calendar

It follows the adapted full year system and the credit hour system.( The academic year is divided into two semesters)


30% of the aggregate marks is allocated for ongoing assessment and 70% for the final test.

Admission Conditions

Admission is done based on the regulations decided by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Admission Office .Candidates must score at least 75 marks in mathematics.

Contact us

Address: Khartoum University Street
PO Box: 1880
Phones: 771716-770564-780995
Fax: 780913
E-mail: info@sabfs.edu.sd




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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لأكاديمية السودان للعلوم المصرفية ©2018

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