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Computer Unit

This unit provides services related to Information Technology and plans strategies and policies pertinent to IT for all the Academy divisions and units. It plans, implements and supervises all projects related to IT applications and in conformity with the technical standards.

Objectives of the Computer Unit.

1.To develop and maintain computer applications to meet the requirements of the Academy.

2. To forward ways where the use of computer application help Academy management.

3.To provide technical support through the use of systems applications.

4. Plan for preventive maintenance and follow contactors maintenance schedules.

5. Supervise the use of computer equipment

6. Decide the needs of the centers and labs regarding computer equipment and program application and procure them when approved by management.

The Role of the Computer Unit

-          Design and manage Academy website.

-          To manage digital content

-          Equip computer labs with the required hardware and software.

-          Maintain computer accessories in labs and staff machines.

-          Install operation programs in the Academy computers.

-          Provide and install projectors in computer labs and lecture halls.

-          Assemble and connect computers to the Academy website.

-          Prepare systems backup

-          Design systems and programs to meet the needs of the Academy

-          Document systems that have been built in the Academy.

How to Use the Website

All Academy Website users must comply with the regulations stipulated by the Academy Computer Unit. The Academy enables its website users with net-browsing service and to use other computer applications such as Microsoft Office and antivirus, and the unit provides each user with an account ( username) and a password.

The user is held responsible for the security of their information and are adviced, to change their passwords periodically because the unit is not responsible for any leak of personal information.

Web-users are not to use other users accounts ,or to try to obtain other users information.

Web-users are to be aware that the system doesn’t save their password as a text, password is saved as a code and that this code maybe changed per their request

Users are not to use unidentified , programs that are very likely to be infected with virus, and that are likely to harm the system.

Internet use is subject to monitoring to be assured that users stick to Academy regulations , nonetheless, personal information is not subject to surveillance.

The user is responsible for all the data and files in his/her machine and is responsible for making a backup for all their personal data , and they are not allowed to share sensitive data through their machines, and all web-browsing, writing or downloading is the sole responsibility of the user.

The Academy has the right to totally or partially block sites, and it is entitled to control downloading and operational speed of the website. (songs, games and unknown videos – which are very likely to be infested with cyber worms ).

Users are not to change the connecting cables and should be aware that changing the connecting cables and all maintenance work is the responsibility of the computer unit.

The unit secures an Email account for each entitled user, and this Email is to be used only for job related purposes.

Users are to know that the unit has the right to monitor their mail addresses , but this monitoring process is confined only to sender/receiver addresses and not to the mail content.

Users are to acknowledge that the password is to be saved as a code and not in a text format. The password is not accessible nor decodable by other users, but can be changed by the user.

The password obtained from the unit is recommended to be changed by the user once used to secure privacy.

The Email inbox has a limited capacity, therefore the user has to delete unimportant mail or save this mail somewhere else.

Publishing or sending messages unrelated to the job, or sending mail to disrupt others is not permissible.

Also it is not allowed to forge or change the titles of resent messages or change their content.

Users are also to refrain from using the Academy Email for personal benefit- like sales promotions.

How to Deal with the Computer Labs.

  • Foods and drinks are absolutely forbidden inside the labs.
  • Labs should be kept clean and tidy, and users are not permitted to move the stools nor to dismantle equipment and above all they are to remain quiet.
  • Internet browsing is available in the labs during operational hours
  • Each student must use their own username, and using others accounts is not condoned and it is looked upon as a breach of the unit regulations.
  • By the end of the working hours, users should logoff.
  • In case of any problem, problems are to be reported to the Computer Unit.
  • Users are not to save any files or data on the machines under their custody, files or data should be saved in an external hard disk or a flash memory USB, or in My Computer which allows access to the required data from any computer within the system.
  • Printing is allowed for Academy material only and under the supervision of an authorized personnel.
  • Lab users must deal with the lab technician with the utmost level of courtesy.

Contact us

Address: Khartoum University Street
PO Box: 1880
Phones: 771716-770564-780995
Fax: 780913
E-mail: info@sabfs.edu.sd




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